Sunday, June 10, 2007


MIThe Santa Lucia hill.

Is located downtown of Santiago, at Miraflores street and Santa Lucia street.

Was in this hill where Pedro de Valdivia founded Santiago del nuevo extremo in 1541.

The original name of this hill was Huelen, that mens pain. And it was called this way by the native of the zone.

Initially used to be a dump but was Benjamin Vicuña Mackena who saw in this hill a potential green lung and recreacinal zone for the city.

It build whit the help of the prisioners at that time paths , gardens, viewing-points and a chapel in the top.

Also it possesses the Hidalgo Fort, place that nowadays works as center of events.

From the top it is possible to observe the city, see the San Cristobal hill, the Liberator Bernando O" higgins Avenue and the White hill.

In the hill it is possible to find the terrace and fountain of Neptune, also Benjamin Vicuña Mackena's tomb, the Japanese garden, among many panoramic places for the rest.

Nowadays is very visited by tourists and is one of the typical postcards of this city.

His entry is liberated and possesses elevator for disabled and sanitary services.

It is a place totally recommended to include in a visit to Santiago of Chile


MIThe Santa Lucia hill.

Is located downtown of Santiago, at Miraflores street and Santa Lucia street.

Was in this hill where Pedro de Valdivia founded Santiago del nuevo extremo in 1541.

The original name of this hill was Huelen, that mens pain. And it was called this way by the native of the zone.

Initially used to be a dump but was Benjamin Vicuña Mackena who saw in this hill a potential green lung and recreacinal zone for the city.

It build whit the help of the prisioners at that time paths , gardens, viewing-points and a chapel in the top.

Also it possesses the Hidalgo Fort, place that nowadays works as center of events.

From the top it is possible to observe the city, see the San Cristobal hill, the Liberator Bernando O" higgins Avenue and the White hill.

In the hill it is possible to find the terrace and fountain of Neptune, also Benjamin Vicuña Mackena's tomb, the Japanese garden, among many panoramic places for the rest.

Nowadays is very visited by tourists and is one of the typical postcards of this city.

His entry is liberated and possesses elevator for disabled and sanitary services.

It is a place totally recommended to include in a visit to Santiago of Chile


La Piojera is a very typicall place from this city called Santiago.

Here we can find, the comunity who receive the name of “ Guachaca” because is people who likes to share a very nice moment, without any kind of social distintion.

This place is near of the subway station “ Cal y Canto”, next to Mercado Central.

Here you can taste very delicious foods from Chile, like “ Pernil con papas cocidas” that is pork with potatoes, a famous drink like “ Terremoto” ( who is wine with Ice Cream), Empanadas, etc.

This place has been visited by presidents, musicians, writters, and artists, and represents the chilean spirit and the costums of our country, for that reason the environment of this place is very simply but at the same time you can feel like in home.

Every year, the people can choose a king and a queen, that represents the national movement, and the spirit of this legendary history in our society.

This restaurant has been recgonized like national monument by its antiquity and for being a representative part of the chilean who goes to that place, and somehow is a piece for the memory of Santiago, and is too a big part of Chile.

Esteban Araya
Patricio Narea

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This it is a very interesting place, has a high tourist value here we think restaurants of typical food that they find in a so called place EL PUEBLITO besides museums, one of pitches and of exotic animals. In the park there is a navigable lagoon in which one can estimate animals and aquatic birds. Opposite to this lagoon finds the garden Chino with varied types of flora. Inside the park a called park of amusements is FANTASILANDIA that is visited by adults and children. The park O’HIGGINS is very important since a green lung is considered for her take care of Santiago
This park can be visited every day a week, has activities outdoors since one possesses fields of tennis of skating of basquetball between other one.
The Park turns anually into the center of activities of the Native Chile Holidays Parties. In the sector already mensionado The Hamlet, here they install to themselves dozens of inns, enclosures of typical national gastronomy with places for the dance, as the CUECA. Every September 19 the Military Stop is realized also opposite to the maximum authorities of the Government and hundreds of thousands of spectators.

Monday, June 4, 2007

claudio montt city tour por maipu

City tour por el templo motivo de Maipú
Se ubica en el centro de la comuna de Maipú, a 16 kms. al poniente de Santiago.
Este templo cuenta con un altar a la Virgen del Carmen, consagrada como "Patrona de Chile", en gratitud a la victoria lograda en la Batalla de Maipú en contra de tropas realistas y que tuvo lugar el 5 de abril de 1818. A un costado del templo se encuentra el Museo del Carmen que posee una colección de mobiliario colonial, imaginería religiosa, documentos históricos y carruajes.
Las columnatas parecen abrazar el templo antiguo y conforman un recorrido procesional hacia el santuario de la Virgen que se inicia en el exterior siguiendo la plataforma curva, al abrigo del alero soportado por la columnata, luego recorre la fachada lateral del templo y penetra por una puerta ubicada a la altura del transepto; ya en el interior, atraviesa una nave transversal y asciende por la escalinata del ambulatorio, que gira detrás del presbiterio, para alcanzar finalmente el altar. La salida sigue un curso inverso por el lado opuesto.
En esta misma comuna se celebra cada año, el primer domingo después de Semana Santa, la "Fiesta de Cuasimodo". En esta festividad religiosa, el sacerdote lleva la comunión a los enfermos, seguido de una caravana de caballos y bicicletas decoradas para la ocasión.

City tour por el templo motivo de Maipú

It is located in center of the commune of Maipú, to 16 kms. to the west of Santiago. This temple counts on an altar to the Virgin of the Carmen, consecrated like “Pattern of Chile”, in gratitude to the victory gained in Batalla de Maipú against realistic troops and whom place took the 5 of April of 1818. To a flank of the temple is the Museum of the Carmen who has a collection of colonial furniture, imaginería religious, historical documents and vehicles. The columnatas seem to embrace the old temple and conform a procesional route towards the sanctuary of the Virgin who begins in the outside following the curved platform, to the shelter of the eaves supported by the columnata, soon she crosses the lateral facade of the temple and penetrates by a door located to the height of transepto; already in the interior, it crosses a cross-sectional ship and it ascends by the perron of the ambulatory one, that turns behind presbiterio, to reach the altar finally. The exit follows an inverse course by the opposite side. In this same commune every year is celebrated, the first Sunday after Easter, the “Celebration of Cuasimodo”. In this religious festividad, the priest takes the comunión to the patients, followed of a caravan of horses and decorated bicycles for the occasion.

Santiago's General Cemetery

Santiago's General Cemetery was founded 183 years ago by Bernardo O'Higgins. It's not just an icon of our Republic, but also a compendium of Chilean society's development.
Two million people, among them the majority of Chile's Presidents, lie in its 200 acres, from the most luxurious mausoleums to the humblest of tombs. Businessmen, artists, scientifics and intellectuals are part of this park, one of Latin America's most remarkable because of its architecture, landscape, sculptures and decorative arts. Its patrimonial value is undeniable, and one can fully walk through it with a guided tour.
Three years after our Independence and the establishment of the Chilean Republic, then Supreme Director Bernardo O'Higgins inaugurated Santiago's General Cemetery, in the middle of the city of Recoleta.

Important creators of our culture, such as lawyer Andrés Bello, singer Violeta Parra, Presidents, from Francisco de la Lastra and Bernardo O'Higgins, among many others, are also part of this park.

We can enjoy the impressive and ostentatious works of art, for example the immaculate and beautiful family tombs with their different architectural styles

We'll have the opportunity to learn about the elements of the culture such as the well known legends of the deceased.

Roto Chileno Monument

In Santiago we can find places unknown for tourists such as the “Roto Chileno” monument. It was built to the soldiers at “Yungay battle”in 1839. They was named “rotos” because they wore ragged clothes.
This monument located at the center of “Plaza Yungay” at west of the center of Santiago (Barrio Cívico).
This is very important to the chilean nationality because they fought and won against the “Confederación Perú-Boliviana” in the Pacific War.

When they arrived to the capital of Chile, Santiago, they were welcomed by the people who was very happy so they built a monument in honor to them.
This is located al “Barrio Yungay” a very historical place because there lived worker poeple and important and rich people too, like Ignacio Domeyko, naturalist, geographer and father of the Mineralogy ;Eusebio Lillo, Minister, poet and composer of the nacional song; Joaquín Edward Bello and other important people who realized a contribution to the country.
These people built beautiful houses, and today we can see them in very good conservation.

Noemí Román
Marcelo Torrejón
Francisca Diena

Sunday, June 3, 2007

THE SOLIDARITY’S MUSEUM SALVADOR ALLENDE, a new space to culture and diversity.

“Its a honour for me, very meaningful, to receive these samples on behalf of the chilean people, these pictures, these works sent, by artist of the different continents, as solidarity expression...”

With this words, the ex president Salvador Allende inaugurated the Museum of the Solidarity on the 1st of May of 1972. It was created to support the social and political project that was developing in Chile in those years, and to create a museum that could allow taking the wonders of modern art and the vanguard to the working class; which have been marginalized of the speculations formal of the last time because of the lack of an education adapted to the requirements of the new aesthetic trends and the lack of resources to allow such luxury.

Locate in middle of the university neighbourhood of Santiago, it’s the only museum in the world created with donated works for the himself artist, all they of a great variety of different styles and expressive supports, which were inspired by the solidarity action of its creators and the goverment.

This project manages to execute in two opportunities before the coup d'état of 1973, period in which the works were hidden until the return of the democracy, on September of 1991, and with this, it takes pleace the reinauguration of the museum and of its more than 500 works of out-standing artists as Roberto Matta, Víctor Vasarely, Joan Miró, Frank Stella, Jose Balnes, and others.

The Museum of the Solidarity Salvador Allende is not one museum more, not only it possesses big works, but also a social history of great importance worldwide.

Schedule of attention:
Tuesday to Sunday of 10:00 to 19:00 hrs.

Value entrance: Tuesday to Saturday:
$600 public general
$300 students and third age
8-year-old Minors do not pay
On Sunday entry liberated

Address: Av. República #475, Santiago Center.
Phone: 6898761
For guided visits contact directly with the museum or to the email:

NAMES: Nicolás Sanchez
Aileen Riveros

Franklin’s neighborhood

Franklin’s neighborhood is a very popular place. There we meet from furniture, antique, clothes, toys, article of computer end so on end so for.
It is a place of encounter between the different social classes, which meet different patios from food, “cocinerias” and cars of fast food. Also we can find street artists like singers, folckoricos groups, humorists, chinchineros, end so on end so for. in this neighborhood is possible to find banks, sales of automobiles, closing house, in surroundings of typical constructions of 20 years. The PIPAS restaurant is famous by its traditional meals like the cazuelas, empanadas, pichangas, churrascos, end so on end so for. And national drinks like the terremoto, pipeño, chicha, submarino, end so on end so for. in the surroundings we even can find streets of paving stones, rails of trolley pole-bus and vestiges of a contaminated Santiago less.

It is readily accessible through service of Metro of Santiago, to visit this neighborhood you must arrive at the station from the metro Franklin, when leaving this was with a typical colonial seat with cars of completo, sopaipillas and typical mote con huesillo.

We will be waiting for
them with the open arms.


Pedro Olmedo.
Cristobal Rojas.


This museum is located in the city of Santiago, in the avenue Blanco Encalada. At the place it is possible to be arrived in particular car or in meter, if one goes away by this means it suggests to lower in the station Parque o´higgins or in the station Toesca.
The museum was the old Escuela Militar, now Museo Historico y Militar, Declared building historical patrimony in 1990.
In this place is an interesting collection of cars, armament, clothes of the time and different antiques related to the military man.
Its building is of great architectonic beauty by the design of its structure, rooms and their great dining rooms. Their gardens emphasize by their beauty and its great amplitude.
This place limits with the faculties of the Universidad de Chile, such as, the Facultad de informatica, Escuela de Ingenieria, Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Geologia Hidraulica. Also it limits with the Parque O´higgins where the place of great attractive tourist by its crafts can be visited “pueblito”, restoranes and culinarios atmospheres.
The Museo Historico y Militar offers services of visits guided I publish general, schools and companies. The visits are of Tuesday to Sunday and lasts approximated of 30 to 45 minutes maximum and they offer each one average hour and.
During the Period of summer the visit lasts of one hour approximately and hour is offered each one.
The guided visits begin from 9:30 and finalize to 17:00 hours.

Value $300 children and third age
$500 general entrance