Sunday, June 10, 2007


La Piojera is a very typicall place from this city called Santiago.

Here we can find, the comunity who receive the name of “ Guachaca” because is people who likes to share a very nice moment, without any kind of social distintion.

This place is near of the subway station “ Cal y Canto”, next to Mercado Central.

Here you can taste very delicious foods from Chile, like “ Pernil con papas cocidas” that is pork with potatoes, a famous drink like “ Terremoto” ( who is wine with Ice Cream), Empanadas, etc.

This place has been visited by presidents, musicians, writters, and artists, and represents the chilean spirit and the costums of our country, for that reason the environment of this place is very simply but at the same time you can feel like in home.

Every year, the people can choose a king and a queen, that represents the national movement, and the spirit of this legendary history in our society.

This restaurant has been recgonized like national monument by its antiquity and for being a representative part of the chilean who goes to that place, and somehow is a piece for the memory of Santiago, and is too a big part of Chile.

Esteban Araya
Patricio Narea

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